
Prospera place Manhattan Point Restaurant

1222 Water Street, Kelowna

Venue Type: Restaurant
Venue Capacity: 300
Stage Location: Indoor
Liquor or Food Primary: food
Does the venue serve food and beverages? Is there liquor service? yes, both
Contact Information
Contact: Melissa Grout
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: 250-212-8288
Stage Information
Raised Stage: Possible
Stage Dimensions: Can set up risers
Backstage Area: no
In-House PA: No
Audio Tech Available: Yes, SW or showtime
Audio Tech Cost: negotiated with the Company
Can You LiveStream: not active or set up but open to it
Artist Information
Music Restrictions: not active or set up but open to it
Local Artists included: no
Green Room: would need to book additional guest suite 31 for greenroom with bathroom
Artist Merch Table: yes
Designated Artist Parking: yes
Ticket Information
Ticket Selling System: select your tickets
Can Artist Sell Tickets: no
Are Seats Assigned: no
Venue Rental: Yes
What is included: tables/ chairs
Audience Information
Are Taxis Available: Yes
Preferred Transport Companies: no
Free Drinking Water: yes
Are/Can Bathrooms Be Listed as Non-Gendered?: yes
Music Information
Music at least once/week: Variable
Typical Music Nights:


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