Frequency Sound 528 (Outside)

3210 Gulley Rd, Kelowna

Venue Type: Rental Studio
Venue Capacity: 100
Stage Location: Outdoor
Does the venue serve food and beverages? Is there liquor service? Simple food options (cafe snacks, appies), Non-alcohol beverage service only, Can take out an event license per event for liquor license
Contact Information
Contact: Jodie Bruce
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: 403-461-3401
Stage Information
Raised Stage: No
Stage Dimensions: 10 ft x 7ft
Backstage Area: No
In-House PA: Yes
Sound board details: Soundcraft 24 channel mixing board
Audio Tech Available: Yes
Audio Tech Cost: $120
Can You LiveStream: Yes
Artist Information
Music Restrictions: Yes
Books Touring Acts: No
Local Artists included: Venue sometimes presents concerts
Green Room: Yes
Artist Merch Table: Yes
Designated Artist Parking: Yes
Ticket Information
Ticket Selling System: No
Can Artist Sell Tickets: Yes
Are Seats Assigned: No
Cancellation policy: Flexible
Venue Rental: Yes
What is included: Venue staff, Ticket taker (cash person), Front of House / Event Manager, Basic advertising through venue channels and social media
Audience Information
Are Taxis Available: Yes
Preferred Transport Companies: Not at this time
Free Drinking Water: Yes
Are/Can Bathrooms Be Listed as Non-Gendered?: Yes
Safe Spaces Policy in Place: Yes
Music Information
Music at least once/week: No
Typical Music Nights:
Eve/ Late
Eve/ Late
Eve/ Late


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