
Terms of Reference

Central Okanagan Music Strategy
Music Advisory Group (MAG)
Terms of Reference


The 2021 Central Okanagan Music Strategy (COMS) was a community led initiative to create a music strategy for the Central Okanagan area, encompassing the communities of Lake Country, Kelowna, West Kelowna, Westbank First Nation and Syilx/Okanagan territory and Peachland. The objective of the music strategy was to advance the sustainability of the local music industry by:
● Connecting people with similar interests so they can engage in collective action
● Developing community support for music
● Increasing support of live music
● Creating an understanding of the current music landscape
● Setting priorities for the future development of music in the Central Okanagan.

One of the recommendations of the COMS was to maintain the momentum generated by the process and build a strong network of support through continued partnerships and relationship building. A key first step would be to establish a Music Action Committee (MAC) to initiate the implementation of the strategy and a Music Advisory Group (MAG) to provide guidance and support.


The MAG is intended to support the MAC in the implementation of the COMS by providingguidance, expertise, outreach and diversity.

Scope of work

To achieve this objective, as a member of the Music Advisory Group, you must be willing to:
● becomefamiliar with and understandthe Central OkanaganMusic Strategy and Central Okanagan Music Industry Profile (available at creativeokanagan.com/music-strategy/);
● work collaboratively and respectfully with other members of the Advisory Group in a roundtable setting to achieve consensus;
● prepare for, attend and actively participate in meetings which are expected to be held quarterly;
● review and respond in a timely manner to requests from the MAC
● act as advisors by providing suggestions, direction and content where appropriate;
● encourage participation by the community in the engagement initiatives;
If interested, there will be opportunities for MAG members to participate in working groups for specific projects.

The intent of the MAG is to solicit additional and diverse input. It is not necessary for the MAG to come to a final decision on a topic. Therefore, the need to make motions and vote is not necessary.


The MAG will be composed of up to20members reflectinga broad representation of the Central Okanagan community. Representation should include (but not be limited to) diversity in musical disciplines, practices, interests, expertise, cultures, geography and knowledge within the music community.

The MAG will meet approximately 4 times per year. Membership duration is expected to be a minimum of one year.

MAG members will be consulted based on their area(s) of expertise, from time to time. Working groups will be created to support ongoing actions and initiatives, and we encourage MAG members to participate based on their individual capacity. In the event that a members expertise

No remuneration will be provided for involvement in the MAG, except at the approval and discretion of the Creative Okanagan Board of Directors.


The MAG’s role is to act in the best interest of the music ecosystem in the Central Okanagan. Individual members will be objective and impartial in carrying out their responsibilities. They are also encouraged to actively participate in engagement activities in order to share personal views or strategies that advance their own personal or organizations’ interests.


From time to time, MAG members will be required to keep information confidential, until such a time that the information is ready to be shared publicly.

The identity of MAG members will be disclosed in public documents including, but not limited to, having their name and photograph published as a member of the MAG.

Comments in Public or to the Media

Creative Okanagan must consent to all press releases and key messaging. When speaking to the public about the Music Strategy, MAG members must distinguish whether they are speaking as a member of the MAG, representative of their agency or community group, or as an individual. MAG members need to convey the public interest.

Should MAG members be contacted by the Media regarding the Music Strategy, they can speak as a representative of their agency or community group, or as an individual. Media inquiries relating to other organizations, agencies or community groups should be directed to the respective group. No MAG member shall speak on behalf of another agency.